Exchange Programmes


Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Its budget provides opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train, gain experience, and volunteer abroad.

Studying abroad is a central part of Erasmus+ and has been shown to have a positive effect on later job prospects. It is also an opportunity to improve language skills, gain self-confidence and independence and immerse yourself in a new culture.

Erasmus+ also offers the chance to combine studying abroad with a traineeship. Opportunities are available for students at Bachelor, Master or Doctoral levels.

Basic information about the Erasmus+ programme can be found at the following website:

Information for students coming for an exchange semester or year to the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacký University Olomouc can be found under Information for incoming students.

Information for students of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacký University Olomouc who would like to travel abroad within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme can be found under Information for outgoing students.

Information for incoming students

Dear students, we are happy that you chose our Faculty. All the (general) important information regarding Erasmus+ study stay here at Palacký University Olomouc can be found at the website of the International Relations Office of the Rectorate.

Please bear in mind that the co-ordinator from your home institution has to nominate you first. After they submit your online nomination, you will receive an e-mail with information and a link to access the application form. All the communication is done through the online nomination and application platform (, including choosing of courses. Later, your application will be transferred to our study system (Portal) where you can generate and possibly sign the Learning Agreement for Studies (our system is connected to EWP so you can do the LA through it as well as sign it online if your University is connected as well).

You can chose most of the courses which are part of the respective study plan at our Faculty (available in English):

Students from Slovakia and students speaking Czech can also choose from these study plans:

Please note that some of the courses are not available to Erasmus+ students (e.g. Infectious Diseases 1 and 2; Obligatory Practice in General Practitioner's Office). Courses named as "clinical practice" are also not available as they are not courses as such but summer practices organised by the students themselves.
Also please note that some of the courses might have a limited number of spots available (especially these courses are usually tight: Pediatrics, Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Emergency Medicine). First come first serve basis.

IMPORTANT: In the 2024/2025 academic year there will most probably be only one group of the English programme General Medicine in the 5th year. That means that in most of the 5th year’s subjects there will most probably be a capacity issue and it can be difficult to join courses from that study year.

Please note that the timetables for the upcoming academic year are usually not ready before the end of May.

The Academic Year Calendar is available on the Faculty webpage.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your studies at our Faculty, please contact Ms. Petra Nakládalová, Faculty Erasmus+ officer (

Information for outgoing students

As a Palacký University student you can study at another European university or carry out a traineeship for 2-24 months within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme.

The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacký University Olomouc usually announces the selection procedure for students of the Faculty for study stays within the Erasmus+ programme for the 2024/2025 academic year.

See the details of the selection procedure in the attached document.

Application deadline was January 29, 2024. The selection procedure was held at the Theoretical Institutes, lecture room no. 2.520 on February 08, 2024 at 15.00.

Palacký University has agreements with many institutions of higher education in Europe. You can apply for these exchange study programmes primarily through our faculty. For more information please contact Petra Nakládalová (

How to apply:
Applicants are required to fill in the application in the Erasmus+ online platform (available at Please perform the following steps once the selection procedure is announced:

  1. Use the same login and password as you use for the Portal.
  2. Check, if all the personal and contact details are correct. Change what needs to be corrected.  Do not forget to fill in the additional information  ("doplňující údaje") at the right hand side column: length of university studies; number  of  months in case you already went to an Erasmus+ study-stay; cycle of studies – master (“magisterský”) or Ph.D. (“doktorský”).
  3. Chose the institutions you prefer: the preferred semester, your degree programme, university, language. If  you  apply  to  more  universities, indicate  your preferences for each of them. You can chose maximum 3 univerisities.
  4. Submit your application.
  5. Print out the application form, sign it and hand it in together with all the required attachments to Petra Nakládalová (Student Department) until the deadline.

Please note that from 2022/2023 academic year on the financial support was increased!

For traineeships the selection procedure is held at the Rectorate level and is more flexible, the deadlines depend on dates of the traineeship.

Please find more information about Erasmus+ Study stays and Erasmus+ Traineeships on the webpage of the Rectorate International office. On the same webpages you can also find the documents related to both types of the Erasmus+ stays.

Have a look at the list of partner universities of our Faculty. You can get inspired by Reports from Erasmus+ mobilities of students from our Faculty (in Czech) or Stories by students of our University (on the IRO webpage, also in Czech).

Erasmus+ partner universities 2024/2025

General Medicine:

Country Partner university Student/teaching staff exchange
Medizinische Universität Innsbruck 2 teachers
Medizinische Universität Wien 1 student, 1 teacher
Bulgaria Pleven Medical University 2 students, 1 teacher
Crotatia Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek 3 teachers
Estonia University of Tartu 2 students
Finland Turun Yliopisto 1 student, 1 teacher
France Universite d’Auvergne 2 students, 2 teachers
Université de Bordeaux 2 students, 2 teachers
Université de Lille II 2 students, 1 teacher
Germany Universität Leipzig 2 students
Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen 2 students, 2 teachers
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg 2 students
Greece University of Ioannina 2 teachers
Hungary Szegedi Tudományegyetem 2 students, 2 teachers
Italy Sapienza Università di Roma (FACOLTA’ Farmacia e Medicina) 2 students, 2 teachers
Università degli Studi di Cagliari 2 students, 1 teacher
Università di Bologna 1 teacher
Lithuania Vilniaus universitetas 2 students, 1 teacher
Poland Uniwersytet Mikołajala Kopernika w Toruniu 2 students, 1 teacher
University of Opole 2 teachers
Portugal Universidade Nova de Lisboa 2 students, 1 teacher
Universidade de Lisboa 2 students, 2 teachers
Universidade do Porto 2 students, 1 teacher
Universidade do Porto – Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas de Abel Salazar 2 students, 2 teachers
Universidade de Coimbra 2 students, 1 teacher
Romania Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi 2 students, 1 teacher
Ovidius University of Constanta 2 students, 2 teachers
Slovakia Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave – JLF UK v Martine 2 students, 1 teacher
Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach 2 teachers
Slovenia Univerza v Ljubljani 2 students, 2 teachers
University of Maribor 2 teachers
Spain Universidad de Zaragoza 2 students, 1 teacher
Universidad Católica de Valencia 2 students, 1 teacher
Turkey Istanbul Medipol Üniversitesi 2 students, 1 teacher
Yeditepe Üniversitesi 2 teachers


Country Partner university Student/teaching staff exchange
Italy Università degli Studi di Cagliari 2 students, 1 teacher
Lithuania Vilniaus universitetas 2 students, 1 teacher
Poland Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny 1 teacher
Pomorski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Szczecinie 2 students, 2 teachers
Portugal lnstituto Superior de Ciéncias de Saúde Egas Moniz 2 students
Universidade do Porto 2 students, 2 teachers
Romania Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi 2 students, 1 teacher
Slovakia Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave 2 students, 1 teacher
Spain Universidad Católica de Valencia 2 students, 1 teacher
Universitat de Valencia 2 students, 2 teachers
Turkey Istanbul Medipol Üniversitesi 1 student, 1 teacher

Ph.D. students:

Country Partner university Student/teaching staff exchange
Austria Medizinische Universität Innsbruck 1 student
Great Britain University of Birmingham 2 students, 2 teachers
Hungary Szegedi Tudományegyetem 1 student
Slovenia Univerza v Ljubljani 1 student

Dentistry - traineeships in Rhodes, Greece

Dr. Stefanos Tolios, D.D.S. from the Dental Clinic Rhodes offers the Dentistry students the possibility of Erasmus+ traineeships in his clinic during Summer 2024. Students can come anytime from May until the end of October 2024 to make their practice in the Dental Clinic. The basic language is English. The Greek language is not necessary. They can host 4 Students from May until June, 4 Students in July and August, and 4 Students September-October.

For more details please contact the clinic directly.

13, Ierou Lohou str. | 85100 |  Rhodes | Greece
(+30) 22410 24544  direct (+30) 6944 77 57 87

New rules of the Erasmus+ Programme

(valid from the academic year 2014/2015)

Within the framework of the new Erasmus+ Programme a new rule has been implemented. According to this new rule, students can participate on both study stays and traineeships repeatedly. The condition is that in each of the study cycles the student cannot spend more than 12 months on Erasmus mobility (study stays and traineeships combined). Students whose studies are not divided into Bachelor and Masrer have this limit increased to 24 months. Please note that mobilities taken in the actual study cycle within the previous Erasmus programme (2007/08-2013/14.) are counted into this limit as well.

Other Possibilities

Besides the Erasmus+ programme the students of our Faculty have the chance to use other mobility programmes. There are, for example, the traineeships organised by the IFMSA student organisation available to our students. Other offers can be found below.

Please NOTE that according to the Study and Examination Code students are obliged to report their planned study stays or mobility (incl. traineeships) abroad. All stays that last 5 or more days have to be entered into STAG. Please report your planned mobility in time (before its start) to Petra Nakládalová ( If a mobility is not reported, it will not appear in STAG, thus will not appear on your Diploma Supplement.

Aurora International Traineeship Programme

The AURORA European Universities Alliance is here to extend the offer of relevant student traineeships abroad. Your traineeship shall take place in one of the countries involved in the AURORA European Universities Alliance International Traineeship Programme, i.e. Austria, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, and Spain. Its duration is minimum 6 weeks and maximum 5 months. See more information on the IRO UP webpage.

Call for submitting applications for exceptional scholarship 2024

The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacký University Olomouc, announces the call for submitting applications for exceptional scholarship 2024 supporting the international mobility of its students. The call applies to students who carry out an internship/international mobility lasting at least 30 days during the year 2024 (through IFMSA).

Note: this is not the same as the financial contribution from the Faculty for your summer (obligatory) internships outside the Czech Republic (see above) which is based on your CGPA. 

Conditions for submitting the application for exceptional scholarship 2024:

  1. The application for exceptional scholarship must be submitted to the Student Department (with the original signature of the student) prior to the internship abroad.
  2. The internship/international mobility has to last at least 30 calendar days.
  3. The amount of the financial contribution granted will depend on the number of applicants for exceptional scholarship, on the country of the internship, possibly also on the length of the mobility.
  4. Students who have not yet received this kind of scholarship will be preferred (not valid for IFMSA mobility).
  5. Students of General Medicine who carry out an internship as a free-mover may also apply. The scholarship might be granted to these applicants in individual and justified cases. Please submit a letter supporting the reasons of your request together with the application.
  6. Students can be granted additional credits (C category – Foreign General Practice 1, 2, 3, 4) when submitting the required documents.

Within maximum 30 days after their arrival from the mobility students are required to submit:

  • Certificate/confirmation that they have carried out the internship/mobility stating its length and the complete address of the workplace abroad
  • Final report from the mobility
  • Log book (valid for IFMSA mobility only)

Deadline for submitting the application:  June 10, 2024

The application form is available online.

For more information please contact Petra Nakládalová, Student Department, tel.: +420 585 632 015, e-mail:

Lighting the Flame: Sparking Interest in Hematology

I am writing from the European Hematology Association (EHA). I am managing a program called: Lighting the Flame (LtF). It seeks to offer medical students with no medical specialty yet decided a clearer image of what hematology entails (in clinic, lab, and research), as well as networking and mentorship opportunities.

Lighting the Flame is fully in English and free of charge program which consists of three phases:

- Online phase: Explore hematology in our online campus. Here we offer opportunities to participate in online courses (lymphoma, acute myeloid leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, etc.) online live webinars, workshops, and events related to hematology.

- Phase 2: Summer retreat for selected participants. Three days of face-to-face trainings, mentoring and community.

- Phase 3: Summer retreat. The previous cohort come to second one to go deeper in hematology.

We think Lighting the Flame is a beneficial initiative for medical students who might be interested in learning more about or selecting hematology as their specialization. You can find more information about the program on the enclosed PDF.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation. We hope to hear from you soon and welcome your students to Lighting the Flame.

Kind regards,

Daniel Delmas Martin
Project Manager Education


Dear Lighting the Flame community,

Following on the Lighting the Flame program, I just wanted to communicate that the application for the upcoming retreat has been open. We will be in Estonia from July 10 to 14 and it will be a great time of mentorship and trainings for 25 participants. The perfect time to take their medical career to the next level.

To apply, the participant needs to login on our campus (register first if needed), and then complete the application form. I have created the enclosed PDF with a summary of the information. I would appreciate if you could support me once again to disseminate it among the students.  

Finally, I wanted to thank you again for your invaluable help and time spreading this project.

Kind regards,

Daniel Delmas Martin
Project Manager Education

JLU Virtual International Programme (VIP) - Winter Semester 2024/25

Dear colleagues,

Greetings from Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU) – we hope this email finds all of you well. We are pleased to share with you the new course catalogue for JLU’s Virtual International Programme (VIP).

VIP in a Nutshell: 

VIP is a permanent offer of JLU’s cooperation activities and addresses international students interested in a virtual exchange experience to complement their studies in their home countries. Students can apply directly online; we do not ask for official nominations beforehand.

  • Students have the flexibility to select from a diverse range of online courses, ranging from one to six, offered across all 11 faculties of JLU at both undergraduate and graduate levels.
  • A total of 58 online courses are available, providing a comprehensive academic experience.
  • Exclusive access to five German language courses catering for varying proficiency levels from beginner to advanced (A0 to B2+).
  • Participants will receive an official Transcript of Records documenting earned credit points from JLU.
  • Participation in the VIP is offered to students from our partner universities at no cost.

For further information about the course offer and the application process, please visit our Digital Campus.

Application Deadline: 31 July

Question Time for Applicants:

Tuesday 23 July at 2pm (CEST) and Thursday 25 July at 9am (CEST).

Intrested students can join via Zoom:

 Attached you will find two VIP brochures:

  • Virtual International Programme (VIP) @JLU Giessen encompasses our regular courses (constantly available) along with general information about the programme. This course catalogue enables your students to plan ahead, incorporate a VIP course into their home timetable, and address potential recognition beforehand.
  • A Student's Guide to the VIP Galaxy is designed for students and includes the extensive course catalogue for the upcoming winter semester. It also provides additional information about the programme and its accompanying activities. Feel free to share this brochure with your students.

The winter semester 2024/25 starts on 7 October 2024 with our online Orientation Week for all international students (OWIS).

We would love to have students from your institutions, our valued partner universities, join this programme and would highly appreciate it if you disseminate the Virtual International Programme (VIP) broadly among your campus community. Please contact our Mobility Team for inquiries about the programme, the course selection or the application process:

Justus Liebig University Giessen
International Office
Mobility Team
phone: +49 641 99 12166

Best regards from Giessen
Mobility Team

Explore the World with IFMSA Exchanges!

Dear IFMSA Community,

Exciting opportunities await you! We're thrilled to announce the distribution of exchanges, operating on a "first-come, first-served" basis, where you can embark on either clinical or research exchange in countries around the globe. We will open the form on Tuesday 9.1.2024 at 20:00.

Here's how it works:

1. Eligibility: Any student who is a member of IFMSA can participate without the need for points. For students with points under 200, please be aware that any accumulated points till 24.9.2023 will be reset to zero after your departure. Students who will have completed their second year at the time of their exchange can apply for a research exchange. Students who will have completed their third year at the time of their exchange can apply for a clinical exchange. Please be aware of the exchange conditions, as some countries may require the completion of clinical subjects.

2. Choose Your Destination: Browse through the last available exchanges in the table. Select your preferred country and fill out the form to express your interest.

3. Check Availability: Before finalizing your choice, ensure to check the availability for the specific month in your chosen country. We want to make sure your exchange aligns perfectly with your schedule, and that there are still available spots in the country to receive your application.

4. Review Exchange Conditions: Your adventure is unique to each destination. Click on the provided links at the bottom of the table to review exchange conditions for your selected country. Get a glimpse of what awaits you and make an informed decision.

5. Payment Details: Participating in the exchange involves a fee of 11,000 Crowns, which covers accommodation and one meal per working day. Students are responsible for covering the cost of their flight/bus tickets to and from the destination, as well as any additional insurance or immunization expenses.

6. Payment and Contract Information: After successfully securing an exchange, expect to be contacted by a Local Officer who will provide detailed information about the payment process and contractual agreements. Please note that upon receiving an exchange, students are required to make the payment within 24 hours. There is a one-week window for students to renounce the contract if needed.

7. Submit Your Form: Once you've done your research and are ready for the journey, submit your form and let the adventure begin!

Remember, the world is your classroom, and we highly encourage you to seize this incredible opportunity to travel, learn, and grow.️

Happy exploring, and may your IFMSA exchange be an unforgettable experience!

The link to the table with destinations and forms is here: Last Available Exchanges - sezóna 2024/2025


Objevte Svět s Výměnami IFMSA!

Drazí členové IFMSA,

Na vás čekají vzrušující příležitosti! S radostí oznamujeme distribuci výměn, která probíhá na principu "kdo dřív přijde, ten dřív mele", kde můžete zažít klinickou nebo výzkumnou stáž v zemích po celém světě. Otevřeme formulář v úterý 9.1.2024 o 20:00.

Jak to funguje:

1. Způsobilost: Každý student, který je členem IFMSA, může bez potřeby bodů participovat. Pro studenty s méně než 200 body však upozorňujeme, že veškeré body, které do 24.9.2023 byli získáni, budou po odjezdu resetovány na nulu. Studenti, kteří v době své výměny dokončí druhý ročník, se mohou přihlásit na výměnu v oblasti výzkumu. Studenti, kteří v době své výměny dokončí třetí ročník, se mohou přihlásit na klinickou výměnu. Buďte si vědomi podmínek výměny, protože některé země mohou vyžadovat absolvování klinických předmětů.

2. Vyberte si destinaci: Prohlédněte si poslední dostupné výměny v tabulce. Vyberte si svou preferovanou zemi a vyplňte formulář pro vyjádření zájmu.

3. Zkontrolujte dostupnost: Předtím než potvrdíte svůj výběr, ujistěte se, že je vybraný měsíc dostupný ve vaší zvolené zemi. Chceme se ujistit, že vaše výměna skvěle zapadá do vašeho plánu a že jsou v zemi stále volná místa pro přijetí vaší žádosti.

4. Zkoumání podmínek výměny: Každá destinace nabízí jedinečný zážitek. Klikněte na poskytnuté odkazy na dně tabulky a zjistěte podmínky pro výměnu ve vaší vybrané zemi. Podívejte se, co vás čeká, a rozhodněte se informovaně.

5. Podrobnosti o platbě: Účast na výměně zahrnuje poplatek 11 000 Kč, který pokrývá ubytování a jedno jídlo denně počas pracovných dní. Studenti jsou povinni hradit náklady na letenky/autobus na cestu tam a zpět, a také další pojištění nebo očkování.

6. Informace o platbě a smlouvě: Po úspěšném zajištění výměny se na vás obrátí lokální koordinátor, který poskytne podrobné informace o platbě a smluvních dohodách. Upozorňujeme, že po obdržení výměny jsou studenti povinni provést platbu do 24 hodin. Existuje jednotýdenní lhůta, během které mohou studenti od smlouvy odstoupit, pokud je to nutné.

7. Odešlete svůj formulář: Jakmile máte za sebou průzkum a jste připraveni na dobrodružství, odešlete svůj formulář a nechte začít dobrodružství!

Pamatujte, svět je vaší učebnou a vřele vás povzbuzujeme, abyste využili této úžasné příležitosti k cestování, učení a osobnímu růstu.️

Šťastné objevování a ať je vaše IFMSA výměna nezapomenutelným zážitkem!

Odkaz na tabulku s zeměmi a formuláři je zde: Last Available Exchanges - sezóna 2024/2025


International Federation of Medical Students' Associations Czech Republic

IFMSA Česká republika, z.s., Senovážné náměstí 977/24, Praha 1, 110 00


alternative e-mail: 

phone: +421 918 657 013

Winter School at UNESP Medical School: Tropical and Infectious Diseases

Greetings from Brazil.

We are delighted to announce our Winter School on Tropical and Infectious Diseases, from July 29th to August 16th, 2024, to be held in our Medical School in Botucatu, São Paulo State Brazil.

Attached you can find an e-flyer of the event. We would appreciate you sharing the program information with your students.

Additional information can be found here.

If you have any questions about the program, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to seeing you in Brazil.

Best regards,

International Office, Botucatu Medical School
São Paulo State University (UNESP)
Address: Av. Prof. Mário Rubens Guimarães Montenegro, s/n
UNESP - Campus de Botucatu - Botucatu/SP - 18618687, Brasil
Phone: +55 14 3880-1020

Internships Abroad

If you decide to do your internship abroad:

you will need to arrange for an "Agreement on the Provision of a Student Internship" to be signed by the respective hospital/medical facility, where you are looking to do your internship.

This agreement is concluded between
- the faculty
- the hospital and
- the student

E-mail or for a scanned copy of this contract already signed by the Vice-Dean, fill out your personal details, sign it, scan it, and send it to the hospital, where you are arranging your internship.
Make sure the Study Department receives a copy signed by the hospital BEFORE the start of your internship.

Once you complete your internship, make sure you get a certificate, confirming the completion of such internship. You can either use our Certificate of Internship, or have the hospital issue their own certificate, provided that the same information as stated on the Certificate of Internship is included.

Should a respective department from the Faculty Hospital in Olomouc require for you to apply for an internship abroad, you can use this Application for Internship Abroad.

Financial Contribution from the Faculty

If your internship (training) outside the Czech Republic lasts at least 30 days (without interruption), you may utilise a financial contribution from the faculty, amounting up to EUR 1,000. The contribution will be awarded based on your CGPA for the last academic year as follows:

  • CGPA 1.0   - 1.50 - EUR 1,000
  • CGPA 1.51 - 2.30 - EUR 500
  • CGPA 2.31 and above - EUR 250

Only internships, which are required by the curriculum can be considered for the contribution (e.g. 19-days selected medical speciality and 2 weeks Ob-Gyn training or 3 weeks dentistry training aftern the 4th year with a need to extend it a bit to have 30 consecutive days).

The contribution will be paid out upon completion of your internship. The contribution can only be paid to those who still study or who completed studies in the academic year in which the payment is sent.

Please note that this amount will only be paid out once during the entire time of your studies.

Applications for the contribution must be submitted to the Study Department by 9th October 2023.

Applications have to include:

  • cover letter (filled out and signed)
  • hard copy/copies (in original, signed and stamped) of the contract/s (i.e. Agreement on the Provision of a Student Internship)
  • hard copy/copies (in original, signed and stamped) of the cerfificate/s confirming the completion of the internship/s

Strictly only applications that satisfy the criteria above will be accepted.
If your application is submitted incomplete, i.e. if any documents are missing, they are not original copies or if they are not signed and stamped as required, it will not be considered and the financial contribution will not be paid out.

4th / 5th year classes completed abroad

The faculty is offering the option of completing semesters from your fourth and fifth year classes at a teaching hospital abroad under the following conditions

  • You must complete a minimum of 10 weeks, but ideally the full semester
  • Expect that you will only take classes in the hospital, but will be examined by Palacký University teachers
  • The following courses cannot be taken abroad: Basic of Digital Medicine; Emeregency Medicine; Acute Conditions in Medicine.

Documents required prior to starting your internships:

  • An email consent from all the course guarantors, that you can arrange the particular course at a foreign teaching hospital (if you are a group of students please chose a representative and address the guarantors on behalf of the group).
  • An agreement signed between the hospital, the faculty and the student - one signed copy should be received by each party
  • A training agreement listing all courses that are to be completed (syllabi will also be attached). See the sample agreement if you are not sure how to fill it out.


If you have specific requirements regarding the schedule of the upcoming academic year please communicate them to us before the end of March.

Documents required after completing your training:

  • Traineeship completion certificate – will provide overall assessment of your performance during your training at the given hospital
  • Internship record – a day by day record of your activities and procedures observed and carried out. The document is to be submitted per each individual subject you take. The signature of the tutor has to be on a day by day basis as well, not just one signature for the whole duration.

Provided that minimum 10 weeks are completed at the contractual teaching hospital within the given semester and all above mentioned paperwork was submitted as required, you can apply for a financial contribution towards your semester abroad. The contribution can be awarded twice during the course of your studies. The amount received will be calculated on the basis of your CGPA for all completed years so far as follows:

CGPA 1.00 – 1.60 – EUR 2,000
CGPA 1.61 – 2.50 – EUR 1,000
CGPA over 2.51 – no contribution

Your application has to include:

Your application will only be accepted AFTER your training is completed, not before.

Deadlines for submitting your application:

Winter semester 2023/2024 completed abroad – apply by February 28, 2024

Summer semester 2023/2024 completed abroad – apply by August 31, 2024

We would like to draw your attention to the platform for searching  funding opportunities and scholarships It covers scholarships but also all other types of funding that could be applied for to finance your own studies. With more than 12,000 funding opportunities and 28 filter criteria, European Funding Guide is the largest study funding portal within the EU.

Student Affairs Office

Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacký University Olomouc
Dean's Office
Hněvotínská 3
779 00 Olomouc

Office Hours:
MON and THU: 8.00-11.00 and 13.00-16.00

Ing. Petra Nakládalová 
International Relations, Section for Accreditations 
+420 585 632 015 


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