The end of academic year 2020/2021

Úterý 25. květen 2021, 15:34

Dear colleagues,
Dear students,

The highly demanding and non-standard academic year 2020/2021 is coming to its end and although it has not finished yet completely, I feel it is appropriate to evaluate it and thank you all for contributing to managing it.

Teaching is the primary issue at our faculty, therefore all measures related to it influenced us noticeably. We withstood online-taught theoretical courses as well as onsite-taught practical and clinical courses, and what is important, also the combination of both. I am aware of the fact that it was not easy neither for the teachers, nor for the students, but you all resolved to do your part and you succeeded.

The already complicated situation with teaching was further disrupted by renewed work duty for students. However, its slightly confusing instructions and organization was meaningfully redirected by the vice deans for study affairs as well as student organizations. If it was not for their initiative, irrational allocation of students into health care facilities would make students‘ life even more complicated.

Although there is a saying that „all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy“, due to the epidemic situation it was not possible to organize many of the wonderful faculty events, such as Medical ball, St. Nicolas or SVOČ conference. I am really sorry for that because these are the events which create the spirit of our faculty. However, I believe that next year we will enjoy them as usual.

For all this, for managing the things that had to be, and for coping with losing things that could not be, I thank you all. Of course I do not doubt about our employees‘ competenece and our students‘ excellence, but even so it was extraordinarily difficult; yet we handled it with dignity.

I wish our graduates to be successful wherever they decide to start their professional career. An I wish all the others, students and colleagues, to spend wonderful summer months and I am looking forward to seeing you all in the next academic year 2021/2022. I believe that next year we will enjoy more pleasures which our faculty life brings.

Josef Zadražil,
The Dean


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